Well, tomorrow I'm off to Malaysia. I'm heading there with my friend, Maria. I've never been so unprepared for a trip in my life. :) The duties of teaching took over my life, and we just figured out where we're staying yesterday! Nothing like good ol' last minute planning. So, we really have nothing planning...just going to go with the flow. We're hoping to explore some islands, soak in some culture, do some hiking, and then head to an international teacher's conference toward the end of the week...should be a good trip! Hmm...to bring the grading along or not...that IS the question! :)
The kids had fun playing with me through the plastic bubble!
It's experiences like this that leave me unsatisfied. I can't sit back. I must act. I must love. I received such an amazing picture of God's love yesterday. When the group first arrives, they usually gather the children with disabilities and sing songs with them-- the two favorites were "Old McDonald had a Farm" and "Puff the Magic Dragon". One of the volunteer men brings his guitar and leads this time. The kids cannot speak English, but let me tell ya, they know the words to these songs and boy do they sing!!! There were two little boys in particular who were literally belting out the words by literally screaming at the top of their lungs! There was another little boy who was trying to touch the guitar strings and later was nudging himself up against the guitarist. I kept wondering what the guy would do...thinking he would possibly help the boy to sit down or ask him not to distract him. Unfortunately, that probably reflects what I would do. However, instead, he moved his arm and drew this boy gently into himself and allowed the boy to rest between himself and the guitar as he continued to play. What an awesome picture of God's love and care for us. He just wants to be in relationship with us...He doesn't want us to wait until we're perfect and have it all together to come to Him...He wants to draw us in and hold us close right now.
Tears filled my eyes. Life is not fair. The stories of these children make my heart ache. I will never forget those kids, and my heart will continue to seek after justice. I'm praying for wisdom to know what to do and the love and courage to do it. There is hope.