It's been a great two years here in Hong Kong--full of tons of learning and loving, but as I prayed about whether or not to re-sign my contract this past December, I really sensed God moving me on to a new chapter in life. I didn't know exactly what this would look like, but I did know that when I heard or read about injustice or issues related to poverty, there was something inside of me that was stirred up. I literally could feel the desire to help and to love and to free these people welling up inside of me. It's then that I could feel what passion was; I couldn't deny that God was calling me to work with the less fortunate. This was a very scary thing, as new adventures sometimes are. There were many uncertainties, but I had to trust that God has given me these passions and desires for a reason.
Very early in January I accidentally ran across a website while searching for a different school that I had considered two years ago in Africa. I don't know that it was actually an accident, though, because as I began to read, I couldn't stop. The website was for Every Child Ministries (, a mission organization founded to care for the "forgotten children of Africa". One of their ministries is in Ghana, West Africa and consists of a children's home and school for street children, as well as kids from a surrounding village. These kids are often abused and/or abandoned; their mothers do not have the resources to take care of them. My heart breaks for these kids; they need a voice.

I was very excited about the opportunity to be a part of this ministry. However, of course, I had my own fears to overcome. I will try to keep a loooooooong story short, by leaving out many of the details and letting you know that in August 2009 I will begin teaching at Haven of Hope Academy in Ghana!!!

If you asked me if I was excited, I'd say, "YES". If you asked me if I'm scared..."YES." Sad (to leave HK)? "Yes." However, through this whole process, God has shown me time and time again what it means to trust in Him. I have no doubt that He will provide what I need. I had to learn the truth in Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." There have been many things along the way that I have questioned or not understood, but I know that God's ways are higher than mine, and I just need to walk in faith that He is in control and knows best.
I know I can not be a Savior for these kids, but I no someone who can; His name is Jesus! I hope to be able to love them and lead them closer to their Savior, while helping them acquire skills that they need to succeed in life and escape the cycle of poverty that so many are in.
Missions is a team effort. Some are called to go. Others to give. And still others to pray. However, we are all a part of God's work somehow. So, if you get excited about this type of ministry, and would like to support me-- either through prayer or giving financially, please send me your address. I'd love to send you more information on what I'm doing and how you can be involved! :)