Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not in Kansas Anymore...

While I can, I'd like to share a few quick examples to show that I'm "not in Kansas" anymore (because soon, I will be):

1. "Robot" was the name of the cashier who served me at McDonalds on Monday.

2. My normal dinner time this week has been between 9 and 10 p.m.!

3. Tonight I was at the night market with some friends picking up some last minute souvenirs to take home, and we decided to grab some dinner before heading home. We seemed to have finished just in time, because our server came to announce that we needed to leave very soon because the HK police were coming. this point we were not sure why the HK police wouldn't be happy to see us at their restaurant: Do they have something against sweet and sour pork...or was it the Beans with XO sauce? We were not sure what we were doing that was against the law. But, we were finished, so we paid our bill and stuck around to watch the "HK police make their grand entrance"! Workers were running everywhere to clean up the tables and take them down; it appeared that they were just taking up too much of the sidewalk and street....not so exciting after all!

Well, as mentioned before, I will soon be returning to "Kansas"...or Wisconsin! I'm filled with various emotions at this point...very few of which I've been able to sort through at this point. I'm just on overload and cope mode right, more to come in the next few weeks.

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