Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break!

Well, not much news to report, except for the fact that it's SPRING BREAK and I'm pretty excited about that! :) Today we had color day at school. Each facegroup (homeroom) had a color to wear and was supposed to accessorize as much as possible. Then we assembled together for a catwalk and judging...the kids loved it. It was a fun day to walk through the hallways and witness lots of energy and extra personality flowing from the colors...a break from the boring ol' uniforms!

Here I am with my wonderful face group...I love these kids!

Well, tomorrow I'm off to Malaysia. I'm heading there with my friend, Maria. I've never been so unprepared for a trip in my life. :) The duties of teaching took over my life, and we just figured out where we're staying yesterday! Nothing like good ol' last minute planning. So, we really have nothing planning...just going to go with the flow. We're hoping to explore some islands, soak in some culture, do some hiking, and then head to an international teacher's conference toward the end of the week...should be a good trip! bring the grading along or not...that IS the question! :)

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