Saturday, November 21, 2009

Orange Pickin'...

...or should I say "green" picking?! This morning we went for a walk, and on the way back we stopped by one of the student's houses. Her family has a poultry farm and lots of land, so the kids love going there. As soon as we came, Stella (the student) ran out with her cutglass in hand, grabbed her boots out of one of the chicken coops, and off the kids ran down the path into the "bush". Then, the orange picking frenzy began. Kids were everywhere, and of course the boys were all up in the trees, as the picture above shows. The kids filled bags, their shirts, hands, and whatever they could find with oranges! The strange thing is that their oranges have a green peel instead of orange! It was very generous of them to share with us! In the picture on the right, I was trying to balance the oranges on my head, but as you can see by the look on my face, I have lots of practice ahead of me. How the women here (and even the kids) can walk miles with huge loads balanced on their heads is beyond me!

1 comment:

Wesley Chung said...

...did it hurt?... that's kinda scary if it didn't